It was time.
Our previous brand image has served us well but we have been wanting to shake things up and redesign it for over a year now. Finding time has been difficult but we have finally rolled out a new brand image for The Chicago Web Designer, Indigo Image.
Lets start at the beginning with the first thing we tackled … an update of our logo.
Logo Redesign

We have dropped our rectangular icon replacing it with a circle but the “pathway” shape remains the same, the color indigo is now complimented with a fresh blue. We also updated the typeface to a less boxy font. While the logo is not a million miles away from where we started it is definitely fresher. The circular icon is nicely compatible with the size and shape restrictions for many social media profile icons ( see what we mean by checking out our Google + page)
Website Re-design
One of the main drivers behind the redesign of our website is the fact there has been a huge surge in traffic from mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. The growth is so massive it is actually predicted web traffic from these devices is set to pass traffic from desktop computers this summer. While we had coded our previous design to react responsively ( see this blog post), time constraints meant that we didn’t redesign …just recoded. It was a good stop gap but needed fixing!
Both the design and the code has now been optimized for viewing on any device.

The re design gave us the opportunity for some content re-organization. The main area we reworked was the portfolio section. It is now split into four categories
We used chunky tiles to navigate portfolio items and finger friendly navigation buttons to switch between portfolio galleries.

Social Media
Our re-branding has been carried through to our social media profiles
Here is our Facebook page

and our Goggle + page

and a new look for our Twitter profile