Color and mood: A rainy day pick me up.

We are facing another rainy day in St Louis today and greeted by a rather gray sky again this morning it got me thinking about color and mood. For me gray is most definately a mood downer. I like bright vibrant colors and a blue sky with bright sunshine is an instant pick me up.

So if the St Louis weather is not going to cooperate today how about this for a digital pick me up. This was designed using Adobe Illustrator and is currently being incorporated into a dynamic iGoogle theme called color punch. It is not yet in the Google themes directory but you can get it via inthemes

If you are interested in Meaning and Associations of color read one of our previous posts

Our web and graphic design blog

We started our blog in June 2005 and nearly three years later are still going strong.

You may find this blog intresting if you are looking to hire a web or graphic designer, you are interested in web site usability and search engine optimization or are a web/graphic designer looking for some tips and tricks.

Today I am going to talk a little about the sort of subjects we cover here for any of our new readers. Each of our posts are given one or more label to categorize them so I thought it would make sense to talk about our categories:-

  • Design Snippets
    We cover subjects here that are useful to graphic and web designer. For example Meaning and associations of color, What is Ipsum Lorem and Favicons.
  • Eye of the St Louis Web Designer
    A picture speaks a thousand words and most of the photographs we feature in this section are of something that has given us inspiration, from a fabulous natural color palette to a great texture or pattern. As mentioned thoughtout these posts a designer’s eye never sleeps
  • FREE
    Who doesn’t like free stuff. We cover everything from free custom i google designs, the free definition phase or our projects to our much visited recipe for a garden deer repellant.
  • Graphic Design projects
    A showcase of graphic design projects, from brochures, letterheads, banners, menus, logos, newsletters, greeting cards and packaging.
  • Indigo Tips
    Tips to improve your productivity and internet experience
  • Internet marketing
    The ever changing world of  Search engine optimization.
  • Logos
    A showcase of our logo design
  • Project Progress
    We multi task big time and this section illustrates the current projects we are working on
  • Random Thoughts
    I think everyblog needs a section like this..a little bit of everything here..and as the title suggests …random
  • STL Marketing executive
    A category written by our guest writer. He shares perspectives drawn from his experience of branding, global business management and marketing in a B2B environment.
  • Web design Projects
    A showcase of our web design projects
  • Web Site Usability
    Considerations for giving your site visitors the experience you want them to have.

Eye of a St Louis web designer

How’s this for a birds eye view of a cardinal’s nest built right outside my kitchen window. The mother has been sitting on the nest for about a week now and get food visits from the dad to be…he feeds her baby style.

Last year we had a robin’s nest in the same place and it was fun to watch the babies being fed. I will post more pictures as these new St Louis cardinal babies hatch.

iGoogle Theme: showcase

One of the best places to find quality themes for your iGoogle home page is at Every week they feature one of the themes from their directory on their site; this week it is one I recently created called The Boffins

Here is what they have to say

Theme of the Week: The Boffins
Every week here at inThemes we like to showcase one of our favorite themes by applying it to our own homepage. This week it’s The Boffins by
Zoe Feast, but why does it always make me think of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew?

Like it? Get it!

Web Site Spring Cleaning

Maybe it is the sudden “greening up” here in St Louis or the fact I actually had a couple of free hours yesterday begging to be filled … there was a sudden urgency that my web site needed a “spring clean”.
I made a list of the things I wanted to rework and tackled just the first yesterday… updating our web design portfolio. This has tended to take a back seat with our recent volume of work and I have been relying on our blog to announce new projects. Our web design portflio has now been updated with a 7th gallery.

My next step is to tackle our graphic design portfolio which I plan on re-organizing …when I have time!

St Louis After Shocks

Some pretty decent after shocks felt in my office at 10.15 this morning following the earthquake in the early hours. The power of the earth is really quite amazing.
It was my first experience of an earthquake but I knew instantly what is going on.

Excitement over…back to work now! I am currently working on a new web site for Hotshots, a logo for an investment company, navigation re design for a local small business portal and branding elements for a St Louis construction project.