If you, are like me, and read a lot of blogs, it is not a good use of time to visit your favorite blogs every day just on the off chance there is something new to enjoy. A far more effective way is to subscribe to the blog and have new content delivered to you as and when it is published.
For those of us who have been blogging for many years this may seem like second nature but there are plenty of people out there for this is a whole new arena.
On a well designed blog there will be a button looking something like this

which is the universal icon for RSS feeds – a file associated with your blog.
Clicking the button will lead you to a page like this

Once on this page you are offered an abundance of ways to receive the content from the blog. One of my favorite is Google reader, which sends the new content of all your subscribed blogs to a single page – you can visit this page or set up a simple widget on your Google home page which allows you to read your content from there.
If you prefer you can subscribe to receive content from your favorite blogs via email.
The St Louis Web Designer’s tip of the day!
2009 © St Louis Web Designer