If you are blogging for business, pleasure or both there will be days /weeks, when you come up empty in creating that next killer blog post. Welcome to Bloggers Block .
Here are some of the tips I use to keep those creative juices flowing.
- Keep a running list of blog post ideas and add to it frequently – skim over your list and pick something that appeals to you.
- Think about recent interactions with clients. What types of questions have they asked. Can they be worked into a blog post?
- Got a new client, launched a new project or service? Blow your own trumpet and blog about it.
- Flick though a magazine or newsletter relevant to your business, industry or organization. An image or article may be all the inspiration needed.
- Member of any social networking sites, Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn? Check what’s happening with your friends/followers.
- Get away from your computer. Sitting in front of a blank “New Post” screen desperately thinking of something to share is not conducive to ideas. Go for a walk, have a cup of coffee, crank up your favorite music on your ipod.
- Find inspiration from the natural world…everything from systems, processes, life cycles, shapes color, texture
- Lastly don’t sweat! While posting to a blog regularly is important missing the odd day or even week is not the end of the world.