A Responsive Website for a Chicago Wedding Officiant

The website for a Chicago wedding officiant I gave a sneak peak to a few days ago is now live.

re designed website for chicago wedding officiant


This was a re-design project of an original site that had been created on Wix…an easy to use website creator but lacking in functionality and true  internet marketing (SEO) capabilities. Here is a quick snap shot of the site prior to redesign, note the mobile version looks completely different from the desktop version.

website wedding officiant chicago redeisgn

Client, Toni Maddi , was very keen to keep the ability to update the website herself but really wanted a site where she could have full control of SEO. WordPress was the natural answer and it was this platform we used to build a fully responsive website for her wedding officiant business.

We created a very clean looking template design and updated the color palette a little. Toni had lots of fabulous photographs of wedding ceremonies she had conducted and these were used liberally throughout the site. All the pages were optimized for the search engines and we built specific landing pages for the locations and areas she serves.

The template was coded to respond to whatever device was being used to view it giving the visitor a consistent experience regardless of device they were using.

Here it is on an ipad

responsive design chicago wedding minister

and again on an iphone

responsive design Chicago wedding minister
The site has been live for less than 24hrs but I have just heard from Toni that she has already received an inquiry through it!

Read more about this wedding officiant web site on our website design portfolio

Website for Engineering Company in Progress

Here is another website we currently have in the works for St Louis based Zagros Engineering.


engineering website design

Every web project we undertake follows a very methodical process

  • Define – where we put together a tactical plan of how to achieve the project goals
  • Design – the creation of the look and feel of the project
  • Develop – the design is coded and converted into a fully functional web site
  • Deploy – the site is tested and launched

The Zagros Engineering website is currently in the development stage, the framework of the site has been coded and we awaiting content from the client.


Graphic Design for Chicago Small Business: Paper Shower

Back in the fall I created a print ad for Chicago based small business Paper Shower. Quite often when I create pieces for print I never get to see the finished product…which is fine, but I never turn down the opportunity to take a look at the end result.

The ad appeared in Feb/March edition of California’s Adventure Sport Journal.


graphic design chicago small business
..and after a quick scan through the magazine I now have a hankering to hike along the California coast. If I do I will be sure to pack the unique Paper Shower body wipe