When I lived in the UK I worked for a security print company, creating anti counterfeit design elements. It was a fascinating one in a million job. My designs not only had to look good but more importantly they had to perform. They had to be difficult to counterfeit , which is no small task.
It was what I consider technical graphic design, which is one of the first things that attracted me to web design, as that too is a marriage of design and technical elements (think html, css, javascript , cross browser computability …the list is endless)
So I thought I’d share with you today a geeky side of graphic design and look at a design elements I created for security print. It is a design concept I invented (see patent) that is used to camouflage messages
Hidden in the following design is a message…scroll down to see what it is.

This concept was used for creating an anti counterfeit pattern that was used on a Microsoft certificate of Authenticity

and on Bank notes printed for Northern Bank in Ireland

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