Here is a set of custom gift tags designed using Adobe Illustrator which you can download for FREE print them out on your desktop printer. A St Louis Web Designer freebie

Here is a set of custom gift tags designed using Adobe Illustrator which you can download for FREE print them out on your desktop printer. A St Louis Web Designer freebie
We are currently working on a new brochure for Bella Stone Pavers
Enjoy a day in the lab with the boffins and watch as their experiments go wrong
Set your i Google page to The Boffins
I recently started using Skype to call my family back home in the UK, resulting in a substantial reduction of my phone bill.
Its allows you to make calls over the internet, is easy to use and as an added bonus you can have a true video call.
To get started visit, download the application and create an account. Calls between Skype users are free!
Today’s tip from the St Louis Web Designer