
The usability of a web site is one of my pet subjects ..the navigation has to be intuative, the content has to be delivered in a logical user friendly way and a site has to load quickly …just a few of the issues thyat affect the usability of a site.

Another is the readabilty of the content. Compare the following 2 paragraphs …which is the more readable?

Indigo Image is a St Louis based graphic design company offering web site design and traditional graphic arts.
Indigo Image is a St Louis based graphic design company offering web site design and traditional graphic arts.

Using a dark background with light text can be an effective way of drawing the users attention to an area and in the example above this is the case. However defining a whole web site to have a dark background and light text can be very tiring on the eyes and make the content difficult to read.

It is also important to have adequate contrast between the the text and background.

Resolution and design

As a graphic/web designer, resolution for me is defined as dpi or dots per inch.

The medium used to publish detemines what resolution used to design in. For web it is typically 72 dpi while for print it is 300dpi.

This huge difference in resolution means that what is created for the web can’t be magically turned into a beautiful 300 dpi image ready for print .. and what happens if you try? You end up with a jagged, dotty, blurry print.